Easiest Way to Make Appetizing Easy Apple Cake

Delicious, fresh and tasty Recipes at Home

Easy Apple Cake.

Easy Apple Cake You can have Easy Apple Cake using 7 ingredients and 6 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Easy Apple Cake

  1. It's of pancake mix〇.
  2. It's of milk〇.
  3. It's of egg〇.
  4. Prepare of butter☆.
  5. Prepare of sugar☆.
  6. Prepare of water☆.
  7. It's of Apple.

Easy Apple Cake instructions

  1. Put the ingredients marked with a circle (〇) into a bowl and mix well..
  2. Cut the apple in half. Cut one half into pieces. Slice the other half..
  3. Add pieces of apple into the bowl and mix..
  4. Put the sliced apple and starred ingredients (☆) into a frying pan. Cook until the color changes to brown..
  5. Lay some cooking paper into the rice cooker. Then add the cooked apples then the dough onto the cooking paper..
  6. Cook once or twice using the rice cooker..