Recipe: Tasty Salmon with Capers, Lime and Maple Syrup

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Salmon with Capers, Lime and Maple Syrup.

Salmon with Capers, Lime and Maple Syrup You can have Salmon with Capers, Lime and Maple Syrup using 8 ingredients and 3 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of Salmon with Capers, Lime and Maple Syrup

  1. Prepare of salmon fillet (3-4 oz.), with skin.
  2. It's of capers, finely chopped.
  3. You need of freshly squeezed lime.
  4. It's of olive oil.
  5. It's of coarsely ground black pepper.
  6. Prepare of whole cloves.
  7. You need of rice vinegar (optional).
  8. You need of maple syrup.

Salmon with Capers, Lime and Maple Syrup step by step

  1. In a bowl, whisk together: chopped capers, lime juice, oil, pepper, cloves, rice vinegar (if using), and maple syrup. Place the salmon, pink side down, in the marinade and let it soak for 15 minutes..
  2. Put a skillet on low heat. Place the salmon, skin side down, in the center and pour the marinade around it. Cover and let simmer for about 5 minutes or until done..
  3. Serve with your choice of side. Here, we used a simple steamed rice. If desired, you can add more lime juice to taste. Enjoy!.