Recipe: Tasty Moscow Salad (Russian Cooking)

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Moscow Salad (Russian Cooking).

Moscow Salad (Russian Cooking) You can have Moscow Salad (Russian Cooking) using 8 ingredients and 8 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of Moscow Salad (Russian Cooking)

  1. Prepare of Red & yellow bell peppers.
  2. Prepare of Chicken (breast or tenderloins).
  3. Prepare of can Mushrooms (sliced).
  4. You need of Mayonnaise.
  5. It's of Salt and pepper.
  6. It's of Optional.
  7. Prepare of Curry powder.
  8. You need of Powdered paprika, dried parsley, dill.

Moscow Salad (Russian Cooking) instructions

  1. Peel the bell peppers. Personally, I like to skewer the peppers on cooking chopsticks, warm them over a flame until the skin starts to burn a little, then run under cold water and peel the skin off..
  2. Slice the peeled bell peppers..
  3. If you're using canned mushrooms, drain away any liquid before use..
  4. Sprinkle some salt and pepper over the chicken and heat in a frying pan until thoroughly cooked through..
  5. Slice the chicken into long strips. If you're using chicken fillets, try tearing the chicken into strips..
  6. Chuck the sliced bell peppers, mushrooms and chicken into a large bowl and stir in the mayonnaise well. Then it's ready. Give it a quick taste and season with extra salt and pepper if it needs it..
  7. Try adding a dash of curry powder to this salad for a completely different flavour. Stir in as much as you want when you're adding the mayonnaise..
  8. If you want to add a garnish to this salad I recommend powdered paprika, dried parsley or dill. I used a sprinkling of dried parsley in the top photo..