Recipe: Yummy Easy Sautéed Shrimp

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Easy Sautéed Shrimp.

Easy Sautéed Shrimp You can cook Easy Sautéed Shrimp using 5 ingredients and 6 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Easy Sautéed Shrimp

  1. It's 1 Pound of Shrimp.
  2. You need 2 Tablespoons of Spanish Ñora Peppers Powder.
  3. You need 2 Oz. of Salted Butter.
  4. Prepare 2 Oz. of Pisco, Grapa, Orujo or any other liquor made from distilled grape juice.
  5. It's To Taste of Salt.

Easy Sautéed Shrimp instructions

  1. Wash the Shrimp with plenty of water..
  2. Preheat a pan and add Butter, Salt and the Shrimp..
  3. Add the Ñora Peppers..
  4. Let the Shrimp cook for 5 min at medium heat..
  5. Add the Pisco and let cook for another 5 min..
  6. Serve and enjoy!.