Easiest Way to Prepare Yummy Grilled Mexican Chicken Low Carb

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Grilled Mexican Chicken Low Carb.

Grilled Mexican Chicken Low Carb You can have Grilled Mexican Chicken Low Carb using 11 ingredients and 3 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Grilled Mexican Chicken Low Carb

  1. Prepare 2 of Boneless chicken breast.
  2. You need of Fresh made Guac.
  3. Prepare of Queso.
  4. Prepare of Cumin.
  5. It's of New Mexico Hatch Chili Powder.
  6. Prepare of Mexican Oregano.
  7. Prepare of New Mexico Chipotle Chili Powder.
  8. It's of New Mexico Hatch Chili Powder.
  9. Prepare of Garlic Powder.
  10. Prepare of Smoked Salt.
  11. You need of Smoked Pepper.

Grilled Mexican Chicken Low Carb instructions

  1. Season chicken an hour before grilling, wrap in plastic wrap and refrigerate until ready to grill..
  2. Make guac right after seasoning chicken and were so guac can meld..
  3. Grill chicken, top with guac, drizzle with queso. I served mine with seasoned and pan "fried" zucchini coins..