Recipe: Yummy Belarusian "Machanka"

Delicious, fresh and tasty Recipes at Home

Belarusian "Machanka". Machanka in Belarusian with sour cream - recipe. There is a separate type of authentic caramel cooked on the basis of dairy products. Varying the number of the latter you can make the ready dish.

Belarusian "Machanka" From a culinary viewpoint, Belarus was an enigmatic country to get to grips with. On the one hand, its culinary heritage has been through a lot, and whats left is often very simple and rustic. Machanka is a traditional Belarusian and Ukranian dish. You can have Belarusian "Machanka" using 21 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Belarusian "Machanka"

  1. Prepare of Pancakes.
  2. It's 1 of eggs.
  3. Prepare 1/2 tsp of salt.
  4. Prepare 1 tbsp of sugar.
  5. You need 1 tsp of baking powder.
  6. You need 10 tbsp of whole wheat flour.
  7. Prepare 3 tbsp of vegetable oil.
  8. You need 500 ml of sour cream.
  9. Prepare of Sauce.
  10. It's 500 ml of water.
  11. You need 2 tbsp of whole wheat flour.
  12. Prepare of salt.
  13. You need of For frying.
  14. You need 300 grams of pork loin.
  15. You need 500 grams of spareribs.
  16. You need 4 of smoked sausages.
  17. It's 2 of chopped onion.
  18. It's 100 grams of mushrooms.
  19. Prepare 2 tbsp of vegetable oil.
  20. You need of salt.
  21. You need of pepper.

There are many variations of this dish, but here I share a recipe of machanka (sauce) made with pork sausages, beer, onion and sour cream. Belarusian national cuisine has evolved over the centuries. The Belarusian cuisine is a variety of meat and poultry dishes (pyachysta, kumpyachok, machanka, vereshchaka. Приятного аппетита!. . Belarus Machanka Recipe and Dranikir recipe Belarus.

Belarusian "Machanka" instructions

  1. Pork loin and spareribs on both sides until golden brown, sprinkle a little bit of salt and pepper. After the meat fry 90 minutes..
  2. Fresh mushrooms or frozen with smoked sausages stir and cook together for a few minutes. To add it to meat..
  3. Onion fry with heated oil until golden brown and add it to dish. Add water (0,5 liters ) and wheat flour (2 tablespoon ). All products stew a few more minutes..
  4. Thin paste with sour cream, egg, salt, wheat flour, sugar, oil and backing powder. Cook pancakes..
  5. Broth pour into a cup. Pancakes with sauce (broth ) use. Serve hot!.

Serve with sour cream and beer. The Draniki is basically a delicious potato pancake which is served along with the Machanka. Belarusian national cuisine has existed for many centuries. It's influenced by events of the. machanka - a sauce from different sorts of meat, served with pancakes smajanka - meat pie. Belarus food has some similarities to Lithuanian, Polish Machanka is both a soup and a stew that consists of homemade sausages, bouillon and thick pancakes which.