Recipe: Tasty Fried Rice

Delicious, fresh and tasty Recipes at Home

Fried Rice.

Fried Rice You can have Fried Rice using 7 ingredients and 1 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Fried Rice

  1. You need of can green peas.
  2. You need of cooked corn.
  3. Prepare of carrot diced.
  4. You need of Garlic and shallit diced.
  5. Prepare of Left over rice.
  6. Prepare of chicken breast diced.
  7. Prepare of Chicken powder.

Fried Rice instructions

  1. Heat pan add oil saute garlic, shallots and chicken. Stur ffy until chicken turn golden brown. Then add all ings. Mix well. After a while add in rice. Season with chicken powder and black pepper. Mix well..