Recipe: Yummy Quick Vegan Taro Soup

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Quick Vegan Taro Soup.

Quick Vegan Taro Soup You can have Quick Vegan Taro Soup using 5 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of Quick Vegan Taro Soup

  1. It's of diced taro.
  2. It's of diced korean slimy yam.
  3. You need of chopped cilantro.
  4. You need of vegetarian soup powder or 1 veggy soup bullion.
  5. Prepare of ground pepper.

Quick Vegan Taro Soup instructions

  1. Peel and diced taro and korean slimy yam.
  2. In medium pot, boil water and veggy soup powder..
  3. Add diced potatoes, cook for 7 min. Add cilantro and pepper. Done..
  4. Optional: Add fried tofu, diced veggy meat.